Life Is A School!


Life Is A School!

One of the fact about Life is, that we are constantly learning, from the time we are born, till the time we die. Just with our five physical senses we learn things right from day one. We start off learning to crawl, then we begin to walk. They say that a baby, even before it can talk, actually makes every sound that could be made for any language on the planet: a baby can actually articulate all the sounds it would need to speak any language on earth. Isn't that amazing? God gave a baby that ability so that it can learn the language of its parents with ease.

It is also amazing how children can pick up on different languages just by being around them. It happens so quickly, so easily.
If we look at the world as it is today, we see how knowledge has increased. Anybody can tell you that from 1900 until now 2023, how knowledge has increased. They tell us today that the knowledge available to man doubles or trebles every six years. We are living in the days where the computers are advancing so fast that just a few years ago the 386 was the best computer.

Everything is advancing so fast they cannot even make the software to keep up with the technology. That's how rapidly things are developing. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that from the year 1900 until the year 1995, knowledge has literally exploded to the point where we have moved to a global Internet, with the Information Super Highway. We have children who are locked into the world of computers, who live in a world of virtual
reality. If our grandparents or great grandparents could see the way we are living today, some of them would have a heart attack on the spot—they wouldn't believe that we could be this advanced.

        If Jesus Tarries?

Looking forward to the next twenty-five years, if Jesus tarries, you might wonder where all this is going to end. Things that were science fiction twenty years ago are a living reality now. Think about it: thirty years ago there was no such things as a personal laptop computer. If they had a computer, it took up four or five stories of the building. Today it's getting smaller and
smaller—you can carry it around!
All this change is coming from natural, human knowledge.

Moving With The Times
Let's go back 400 years ago. Every one of these things would have functioned back in that time period, but nobody knew about them.
A 747 would have flown in the year 1600, but nobody knew about the 747. The Wright Brothers did not invent flight, because birds had been flying long before the Wright Brothers.

The Wright Brothers found out how to fly.
The early pioneers of flight paid the biggest price, because some of them were not able to come back the next week to test out a different theory. After the inventor went to the top of the hill, strapped on the feathers, flapped his arms and jumped off the cliff, he wasn't able to come back to say, "Na, it didn't work, I'll try something else." Some people paid with their lives to get us from no flight to sitting in a 747 going across the oceans of the world. Today, we have so many things we take for granted, like electricity and air conditioning. But we forget that many people spent their whole lives working on these inventions. Some even lost their lives in pursuit of the advancement of knowledge.


What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived; it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” quote fromNelson Mandela.


Beloved, as we are aware today in our societies, there many people who go to bed without food, many of these people have been rejected by society.. and so we are kindly asking your support towards, *Heart Of Love Project* . we are rasing funds to feed; orphans, youths, widows, disable and homeless men.

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*Yours in His eternal service,*


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